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hello from kunming - 未名空间精华区
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hello from kunming

发信人: hpads (hpads), 信区: Parenting
标 题: hello from kunming
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Apr 25 10:45:36 2005), 站内信件

just a quick hello. wish all of ye are doing fine with your little ones.

pangguai and us are doing fine. pangguai didn't cry when she was overwhelmed
with people mountain people sea here. hehe. she still sleeeps and eats well.

a few pieces of advices to my QingJia:
1. let your baby take the sleeping pills. pangguai cried herself horase (do i
spell it right?) in the flight.
2. bring eye-shades with you if you request a front-row seat. the big screen
will be just inches away in front of you. you'll need the shades both fo
r yourself and for your baby if you want to sleep.
3. be sure to wear sunblock whenever you go out. my lg had sun burn under
Wuxi's not-so-bring sunshine in a not-so-sunny day. i also had a small patch
on my neck got burned coz i forgot to apply sunblck there. :<
will report later with more details in chinese (hopefully). :)

p.s. to dpoppy: i got the cherry blossom for you.
why do stars fall down from the sky why do birds suddenly appear
every time you walk by every time you are near
just like me just like me
they long to be they long to be
close to you close to you

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间 mitbbs.com.[FROM: 220.163.]


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